9 red flags I wasn’t serious about language learning (yet)

Chris Eubanks
5 min readNov 29, 2023
Photo by Barnabas Davoti: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-two-golden-retrievers-playing-tug-of-war-on-a-snow-covered-ground-11249182/

In September 2022, I finally got serious about the Finnish language once and for all, putting in an average of 2–3 hours per day for a whole year. The road to get to this level of seriousness was rocky. I started and quit Finnish several times before this point. Little did I know that the pathway to learning a language seriously requires a counterintuitive approach.



Chris Eubanks

Language learner. Rapidly learning the Finnish language. Follow me for specific knowledge to speed up your language journey.